الكل منا يعانى من المشاكل الخطيرة التى يقع فيها بسبب الفيروسات الكثيرة والتى انتشرت بشكل فظيع فى هذه الايام وكلنا يتمنى ان يجد الحل الابدى لهذه المشكلة وحرصا من منتديات برامج الجوهرة من توفير الراحة التامة لاعضائها وزوارها فقد تم العثور اثناء البحث عن افضل برنامج للحماية من الفيروسات Ravolxz قد يكون افضل من الكاسبر او الايفاست او اى برنامج اخر..
اسم البرنامج
Rising Antivirus
ودى الجوائز اللى حصلت عليها الشركة
Awards & Certifications
Rising Antivirus 2008 now also works on Windows Vista. Rising Antivirus completely supports Windows Vista 32 Bit and 64 Bit.More...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Checkmark Anti-Virus Desktop Certification
Checkmark Anti-Virus Disinfection Certification
Checkmark Anti-Trojan Certification For a product to be accredited to the Checkmark Anti-Virus Desktop certification, the desktop product must be able to detect all those Viruses, Worms and BOTS currently 'in the wild', which are listed in the WildList current at the time of testing.
This gives a clear and independent indication to end users of those anti-virus products that they can be relied on for their detection capabilities. More...
TÜV Monitored Virus Protection:
The protection of the antivirus-software has been successfully tested.
The antivirus protection software identifies 100% of all viruses of the Wildlist and in particular protects the entire e-mail traffic.
The results of the anti-virus functionality will be permanently monitored during validity of this certificate.
Antivirus certification by TÜV Learn More...
RISING Antivirus was given a top (5 star) rating from Tucows. More...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BrotherSoft Review Staff give Rising Antivirus a Pick Award because this product is easy to use, it has a professional-looking interface, it is excellent compared to other programs in this section and so on.More